Work with me closely for 6 weeks to lose body fat and keep it off, no matter your fitness level. You'll learn how to make changes to your lifestyle without giving up the things you enjoy. ⭐️ 6 Week Challenge ⭐️ Starts : 6th March until 16th April 2023 What's included? 💚 Your own individual daily targets to hit and workouts to complete over the 6 weeks 💚 Daily support & motivation 💚 Access to the private Transformation Community group where you can ask questions 💚 Weekly check-in submissions to track your progress & individual stats 💚 Weekly Development Material - learn something new every week. 💚 Access to over 200 deliciously easy recipes 💚 Guides for eating out, including restaurant menu guides 💚 Example meal plans to help with planning your own meals 💚 Weekly meal planner & shopping list to go with it
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app